Monday, June 24, 2013

Blind leading the blind?

I went to visit a friend in the hospital today, when a nutritionist walked in. I was baffled by the sight in front of me. When conjuring the idea of someone we would expect in this role, I don't think that I would be alone in imagining the person as a fit and healthy individual. Don't get me wrong. I'm not expecting some fitness god or goddess with rock hard abs and bulging biceps, but who stood before me was the vision of unhealthyness.

The whole point of seeing a nutritionist is to learn about eating foods which help us to optimize our health.  This individual was a least 100 pounds over weight and had a pallid and jaundiced complexion, thinning hair, and dull eyes. Unfortunately, these same qualities plague many our health care professionals. It makes me question why are we turning to unhealthy people for guidance in our well being. You wouldn't ask a guy who is broke for financial advice, right?

Growing, preparing, foraging, and sharing food is part of our ancient human experience. It connects us with the earth and each other. It is even the center of many religious and spiritual practices.

When seeking a health care professional, find someone who is knowledgeable in nutrition and implements this is their own life. The food you put in your body is the single most important thing you do for yourself. Without good food, you cannot have good health.

As an ecospiritualist and life coach, I work with individuals to accomplish their health goals. If learning to simply eat in a way which

makes you feel good sounds attractive to you, contact me at

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