Sunday, June 23, 2013


Where exactly are our memories stored? The brain, of course, is our first response, but where exactly in the brain? Are the memories stored on the tissues themselves or maybe the cells? But how can this be? Consider the fact that approximately every 7 years every single cell in our bodies are replaced. As those cells die, wouldn't our memories die along with them. If this were true, it would be tragic leaving us not only without memories of loved ones and good times, but we would never move beyond the intellect of a 7 year old. Although in some ways this may not be a bad thing.

What if our memories are not stored in our physical being at all? What if they are stored in the very fabric of the multiverse? Let's think about it in easier terms by equating it to computers. We aresimply processors,  individual computers able to access a mainframe (multiverse). We are able to upload and download information. When we break down (or die), our memories do not disappear. They remain on the mainframe which adds to the overall intelligence (universal consciousness/inherent wisdom). This is what has allowed the multiverse to evolve and become conscious of itself. It is continuously striving to grow, to be better, perhaps even to find its own purpose.

Even when you try to delete a file, there is always a ghost somewhere still on the machine which can be retrieved by those who know how to access it. This is the innate wisdom in all things. Although many have forgotten how to intentionally access this readily available knowledge, we still have the connection. It's those moments when you just know something even when you don't know how you know. It is the wisdom our ancient ancestors and animals used to find edible and medicinal plants. They didn't just eat them and wait to see if they got sick or died. They asked to be shown. And they were.

I've always had a knack for taking care of plants. I have not studied them. I can't even name most of them. But after reviving plants for friends, they would always ask, "How did you do know what to do?" I never had a concrete answer for them. The reality was, I just "listened" to the plants.

Some may think that is crazy, while others will understand. Each and everyone of us can recall a time when we just knew something in our gut that we had no reasonable way of knowing. It happens all the time from simple things like knowing you should have left 5 minutes early, to major decisions such as knowing you should not have made a certain investment. This is the fabric of the multiverse communicating with you. All those moments when you said to yourself, "I knew I should(n't) have done that", were not coincidence. You did know, but you weren't paying attention.

We have a connection with this world and beyond that is undeniable and deeply profound. It is just waiting for us to remember.

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