Tuesday, May 26, 2015

If you had a year to live

Let me say right away, NO this is not some sort of prognosis about my own illness, so breath. I have chemo today and have to take a steroid which has had me up since 2 AM. I was listening to a podcast and without explaining the whole show which would take too long and really isn't relevant, it sparked the question how would you live your life if you only had one year to live. 

Now if you had received a prognosis due to illness you might just give up and give in, or you might run off to find a witch doctor in a foreign jungle in hopes of a cure. But let's take all that out of the equation. You are not sick. You can not be cured. You're not going to have a heart attack or some other preventable malady. One day next spring, you simple will not wake up. It can not be prevented or undone. 

So how would you choose to live your life? Take time to think about it. Sit with it until you connect with it on an honest emotional level. 

I invite you to respond. I will share my response in a couple days and we will see both how differently we may react, as well as what connects us all in this human experience. 

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