So the scans showed that there was no reduction in any of the rumors but they are all stable which is still a win. I however can feel the tumor in the breast and it feels both smaller and has changed shape.
Oncologist says if the scans show everything is stable on the next scan, we will look at stopping the chemo and putting me on a maintenance drug.
As many of you know, we had been wondering if and when I would end up having surgery, but looks like that is out of the picture unless I have a problem with the tumor like is starts causing pain or something. At stage 4 there is no advantage to having it. So me and my tatas will finish out this journey together.
So here is my own personal guess. I think because of I can actually feel changes in the tumor I may have more shrinkage next scan. And as much as I am ready to stop chemo, I want the tumors to completely go away or at least be as small as possible. So I'm going to be doing whatever I can to make that happen.