Sunday, April 19, 2015

Do you want to feel my boob?

Well that got your attention, didn't it? So let me explain. I was in Starbucks hanging up a poster for my Choosing Life Fund Raiser when a gentleman made a comment that I didn't look sick. I said thank you. He made a joke. "How do I know you didn't just shave your head and are asking for money?" To which I replied, "Do you want to feel the lump in my boob?" He said, "If you hadn't have said lump I might have taken you up on it."

We started to chat a little and he confessed that although he was kind of joking there was some truth to his question.  He said he often felt like he wanted to give, but we unfortunately live in a world where some take advantage of situations and many just outright lie, so he found himself too often being overly skeptical. 

I said, "You know I read a post on Facebook this morning from a prior student which said, From what we get we can make a living, what we give, however, makes a life." He quietly shook his head. 

He started to reach for his wallet but I told him, "No, that's too easy. What I really would like for you to do is go home later and spend some time finding someone or something to donate your money or time to that moves you. Your not wrong in questioning the motivations of people or organizations but don't use it as an excuse to not become engaged with those who do need you. Just start somewhere, because giving is truly infectious. He agreed to so. 

So I would challenge all who read this to reach out and give to someone in some capacity. It doesn't matter who. Or how. Or how much. By touching someone else's life even in the smallest way, you will exponentially expand your own. 

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