Sunday, May 10, 2015

The Fog is Lifting

So typically the weekend after chemo is usually my "down" time. The time when I feel worst. The brain fog and metal mouth settle in and I just feel like vegging in front of the TV or with a good book. It's hard to concentrate for long periods of time on any one thing and I forget words mid-sentence. Everyone experiences this from time to time. So just imagine a very intensified version of this coupled with getting agitated for absolutely no reason and everything tasting like garbage and you might start to wrap your head around chemo a little. The good news is the fog and the metal mouth are starting to lessen already and I was lucky enough to have both a productive and relaxing weekend. After having such an awesome time last weekend with the henna crown party, henna artist Zachari VanDyne, party planner extraordinaire Jenn Blosser and myself met on Friday to explore how we could offer this empowering experience to those dealing with hair loss due to illness in our community. Check out our new Facebook page. Help us get the word out. Please don't just like us. Share the page. You may not live here locally, but someone you know, or someone your friends know, and so on, just might. Saturday started off with an acupuncture treatment at GoodMedicine. If you haven't been, you should definitely check it out. A great service provided by really great people. The rest of the day me and my couch got real cozy as I watched, mostly with one eye open, some tv and napped. Today I spent time with my blessed church community and then enjoyed lunch with good friends. Now I am off to cook dinner and spend time with my beloved.

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