Monday, December 8, 2014

Follow me on this journey

So I have posted a couple times during the beginning of this whole journey, but have mentioned to a few friends I might start to blog more consistently as both a means to keep everyone up to date on what is going on and as a record of my overall journey where I can share my feelings, frustrations, insights, etc with others and be able to look back and reflect on these moments myself. 

So let's start with an update on the facts. I have been diagnosed with stage 4 breast cancer which has metastasized to my bones (mostly spine) and to my lungs (small nodules). I actually start chemo tomorrow. 

I decided to go to the Moffitt Center in Tampa after Kimberly (my partner and hopefully soon to be wife) found out about how great they are. Great reputation and ranked 3rd in the US. Lee County is very hit or miss for quality health care. So far my experience with them has been very positive. 

My immediate health goals are to gain weight because I had lost about 15 pounds at the beginning of this whole thing because I put myself on a diet which I will discuss more at a later time, and to get more physically fit because I have a pleural effusion which causes me to tire easily and because I am very stiff and sore partially due to a lot of inactivity. 

That's where I am physically. I will get more into my emotional and spiritual state as we continue, but I am actually at work and only have a few minutes to write, but I wanted to at least start this process because I have been talking about it for a few weeks now and the more I put it off, the more I will put it off. I am a world class procrastinator. 

So I hope you will follow this blog if you are interested and we can grow together on this journey. 

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